DATE: 20 June 2006

Date                Market Vacancy        Rent Rate       Rent/NRSF

Jun-05                       7.9%                    $645                $0.687
Mar-05                      3.2%                    $546                $0.655
Dec-04                      4.7%                    $534                $0.649
Sep-04                      3.2%                    $493                $0.607
Sep-03                      6.7%                    $510                $0.614

Rents continue to climb to an over-all average rate of $0.687/SF in Kootenai County.  Rising land values and building costs together with extreme demand have pushed the average sale price of a single family residence to nearly $240,000.00, thereby causing upward pressure on rents in the area.  In response to a sharp increase in apartment new construction permit activity however, the vacancy rate has spiked in 2005 to 7.9% over-all.  That number should improve for the balance of 2006 and into 2007 as vacant units are absorbed and fewer multi-family permits are issued in response to today’s rising interest rates.


“The Real Estate Report”, regional research on Spokane and Kootenai Counties, Coeurd’Alene Association of Realtors, and Washington Center for Real Estate Research.